What is the Cause of Spinal Referred Pain and How to Treat It?

What is the Cause of Spinal Referred Pain and How to Treat It?

Referred pain occurs often, when nerve signals get mixed up. The pathways of sensory nerves frequently overlap, and sometimes the information can reach the wrong receiving end.

Spine related issues can end up being felt anywhere from the top of the head in the form of migraines, through the neck, back, hip, arms, legs, and toes. Understandably, the only way to eliminate spinal referred pain in the long-term is to treat the underlying condition that caused it in the first place.

The best non-invasive way of addressing spine-related problems is chiropractic care, namely spinal adjustment, and spinal decompression. A spinal adjustment refers to techniques of returning the spine and its joints into the natural position and eliminating the pain linked to spinal misalignment. Spinal decompression consists of gently stretching the spine to relieve the pressure off the degenerative or herniated discs, thus decreasing perceived pain.

Once the actual sources of pain are eliminated, the referred pain will be instantly gone. Naturally, the only way to prevent it from occurring again is to ensure the underlying spine conditions are under control.

If you want the best treatment for spinal referred pain, book an appointment with Dr. Pruski at the Joint & Spine Center at 936-295-1777.

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