Reduce your back pain symptoms through spinal decompression therapy in Huntsville, TX
Back pain, both acute and chronic, is a common medical condition with numerous causing factors that can become seriously debilitating, affecting day-to-day life for even the strongest of individuals.
While this condition has been treated with diverse therapeutic options for years, existing many healthcare providers that prefer invasive treatments like surgery, nowadays, a new line of thought has emerged. This is the case of the multiple conservative and efficacious therapeutic methods that make living with such a seriously debilitating medical condition a choice and not an option.
Evidence has shown that if spinal structures are kept intact and the pain is managed through a multidisciplinary treatment plan, avoiding surgery, patients improve more, especially if the focus is to improve functionality.
Either because back pain is produced by poor posture, traumas, herniated discs, misaligned spine, scoliosis, rheumatoid arthritis, disc degeneration, among other reasons, it can be treated through the application of spinal decompression therapy.
Whether because it is produced by a sudden injury, an overuse problem, or by the existence of an underlying medical condition like arthritis, back pain can definitely reduce the quality of life of any patient, not only producing local discomfort, but also joint swelling, stiffness, crepitus, and impaired ability to walk.

Spinal decompression therapy is a type of motorized traction that acts as a gentle stretcher of the spine. This generates a negative intradiscal pressure capable of changing the force and position of the spine, taking pressure off of the spinal disks, the gel-like cushions located between the vertebras.
By performing this decompression, bulging or herniated disks may retract, worn spinal joints are separated, and pinched nerves can be released, promoting the arrival of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids to these structures so they can regenerate and heal.
A typical spinal decompression session involves the placement of one harness around the patient’s pelvis and another one around the trunk. These are connected to a computer, which is operated by the physician, who customizes the treatment plan according to the patient’s specific needs.
Lasting for about 20 minutes, each session can be repeated 3 times per week for one or more months, with most patients feeling better after just a few sessions. To achieve major results, this therapy is usually accompanied by other treatment methods, such as heat and cold application, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, among others.
By scheduling an appointment with us over at the Joint & Spine Center, we can make you return to your daily activities in the shortest possible time by applying the best therapeutic options to reduce your back pain, avoiding more invasive treatments.
Additionally, the above-mentioned therapy does not produce any negative consequences, unlike many of the present medical alternatives indicated for the same condition.
For more information about back pain, spinal decompression therapy, and so much more, contact us at 936-295-1777. Our team of experts based in the beautiful community of Huntsville, TX, will be available during working hours to answer all your inquiries and support you in your path to wellness.