Attend your shoulder pain needs with a chiropractor in Huntsville, TX

Attend your shoulder pain needs with a chiropractor in Huntsville, TX

Capable of allowing us to have a wide range of motion while using our arms as an extension of our bodies, the shoulder is a joint formed by the humerus, scapula, and collar bone, and supported by a series of muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
However, the great flexibility showed by this joint can sometimes be affected either due to overuse syndromes or injuries, leading to different degrees of shoulder pain. With this in mind, regular treatment plans include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroid injections, and oral supplementation. Unfortunately, these options vary in their outcomes and possible side effects, pushing experts on the matter to find alternative treatments to solve this symptomatology.

We at Joint and Spine are committed to providing preventative and regenerative care to patients suffering from shoulder pain by applying diverse treatment options thanks to the experience of experts such as Dr. Jeffrey Pruski, a famous Chiropractor of the Joint & Spine Center in Huntsville, TX.

For some, the most conservative the treatment is, the better. This is why many patients with shoulder pain respond incredibly well to therapeutic plans that include proper dieting, regular physical activity, and corresponding physical therapy techniques aimed to both reduce the present symptomatology and increase joint mobility and functionality.

Some of these conservative and excellent treatment options include:

  • Heat or ice therapy. Being some of the oldest therapeutic modalities, applying these two temperature options is still in use to relax the muscles and reduce inflammation levels, respectively.
  • TractionInvolving certain portions of the spine, this technique can take the pressure off of the nerves that innervate the shoulder region, reducing pain and improving mobility.
  • UltrasoundThese machines use sound waves of diverse frequencies that penetrate muscle and soft tissue, promoting relaxation and increased blood flow to the treated area.
  • Electrical stimulation. Sending different voltages of electrical current in a safe way, electrical stimulation is applied to contract the muscles in order to reduce pain and improve functionality.

By scheduling an appointment with us over at Joint and Spine, we can make you return to your daily activities in the shortest possible time by applying the best therapeutic options to reduce your shoulder pain, avoiding more invasive treatments.

Additionally, the above-mentioned therapies do not produce any negative consequences, unlike many of the present medical alternatives indicated for the same musculoskeletal condition.

So, schedule your appointment at and you will receive the proper attention your case requires.

For more information about shoulder pain, its treatment options, and so much more, contact us at 936-295-1777. Our team of experts based in Huntsville, TX, will be available during working hours to answer all your inquiries and support you in your path to wellness.

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