Can Chiropractic Care Help With Migraines?

Having a migraine is one of the worst feelings out there, as the headache is often so intense that you cannot do anything until it passes. This neurological condition is relatively common, as estimates show that around 40 million Americans have to deal with it regularly. Unfortunately, getting adequate relief is often challenging.

Chiropractic care can help you reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks. Read on to learn how chiropractic care can help and where to find the best migraine chiropractor in Huntsville, TX.

What Is a Migraine?

A migraine is a disabling neurological condition that is not the same as a headache. A throbbing headache is the most common symptom, but people also experience other symptoms like:

  • Vision impairment
  • A pulsating pain on one side of the head
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and occasionally touch and smell
  • Other symptoms

A migraine attack can last anywhere from a few hours to 72 hours. They are often undiagnosed because people don’t seek medical attention and instead try to relieve symptoms by taking pain medication. 

A migraine is a neurological condition that causes a throbbing headache, usually on one side of the head, and other symptoms.

Why Do Migraines Occur?

We aren’t really sure what the exact cause of migraines is, but we know that several factors contribute to this condition. For example, migraines often run in families, so we know that genetics play a part. In addition, your environment and triggers also contribute to migraine attacks. But the good thing is that you can control this part of the equation.

The most common migraine triggers are stress, alcohol, certain foods, excessive caffeine, certain medications, sleeping too much or too little, skipping meals, hormonal changes in women, head injuries, weather changes, etc. Avoiding these triggers can help people to deal with this condition. However, keep in mind that some people will experience a migraine without any trigger.

Migraines can affect people regardless of their age, sex, or race. However, they are more common in women, especially during periods, pregnancy, and the transition to menopause.

We don’t know what causes migraines, but you can avoid the most common triggers to try to prevent them from happening.

How Do People Usually Deal With Migraines?

People usually start dealing with migraines when the attack is in full swing. However, that’s not the best strategy because avoiding triggers and catching the early symptoms can help you act faster to prevent a full-blown migraine attack.

Once the pulsating headache kicks in, people usually try to relieve it with medication. Ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen are the most common over-the-counter pain relievers used for this because they can offer quick help, especially at the beginning of a migraine attack. However, people need to be careful about using these medications often because it can only worsen the situation.

Another way people relieve migraine symptoms at home is through heat and ice therapy. Applying an ice pack can numb and soothe the pain, while a heat pack helps relax tense muscles. These combined effects can produce significant relief.

However, these options are more for managing the damage of migraine attacks instead of trying to prevent them in the first place. That’s why chiropractic care offers different solutions that can provide significant relief during a migraine, but also prevent it from occurring in the first place.

People usually take pain medication or try heat and ice therapy to relieve migraines. While they are good and can help you at first, chiropractic care may be a better alternative in the long run.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help With Migraines?

Chiropractic care seeks to relieve migraines by easing the pressure off your nervous system. Spinal adjustments are the most commonly used tool because they can restore proper spinal alignment and reduce the strain on your central nervous system. That can ease nerve irritation and muscle tension, which is vital for preventing and treating migraines.

Chiropractic care modalities can strengthen your muscles and restore alignment, which is vital for migraine prevention. Your chiropractor also works with you to change the habits that trigger the attacks and develop new, healthier alternatives.

Chiropractic treatments for migraines are highly personalized, and they seek to solve the root cause of the issue instead of treating the symptoms. 

Chiropractic care can help migraines by relieving pressure off the nervous system, eliminating nerve irritation, restoring proper spinal alignment, easing muscle tension, and strengthening muscles.

Migraine Chiropractor in Huntsville, TX

Dr. Jeffrey Pruski is a migraine chiropractor in Huntsville, TX, who can help you get the pain relief you need. Dr. Pruski works at the Joint & Spine Center, where he and his team use chiropractic care modalities to help people overcome pain and health ailments.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Pruski and discover how proper migraine treatment can help you regain control of your life.

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