Can Spinal Decompression Provide Pain Relief?

Can Spinal Decompression Provide Pain Relief?

In our day and age, it is almost impossible to find a person that has not at least once experienced back-related pain. Moreover, these discomforts are by no means reserved for the back area. Spinal issues often cause pain all over the body, from migraine to toes. Spinal decompression has a prominent role in providing pain relief with most underlying spine-related conditions.

The areas where spinal decompression shows the most notable results are back, leg, and neck pain. This is not surprising since many chronic pain issues are linked to a spinal injury and degenerative or herniated disks. Given the fact that the way of life we live today has a devastating impact on the condition of our spine, the painful consequences are widespread.

Spinal decompression is a way of carefully stretching the back to relieve the pressure from the nerves. It can target particular areas of the spine, all depending on where the pain manifests in the body. The procedure is performed on the table that moves back and forth and provides quick and long-term pain relief.

For additional information about Spinal Decompression in Huntsville, Texas, book an appointment with Dr. Pruski and his team at the Joint & Spine Center by calling 936-295-1777.

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