How to Deal with Repetitive Stress Disorder?

How to Deal with Repetitive Stress Disorder?

Not to be confused with everyday stress, repetitive stress disorder occurs due to extensive and continual use of a particular body part. The usual problematic areas are the joints, but other parts of the body may be affected, as well. The on-going symptoms of repetitive stress disorder are discomfort accompanied by inflammation and pain in the affected area. How can this unpleasant situation be successfully addressed?

The easiest way would be to stop repeating the actions that cause the problem. However, since, in most cases, these motions relate to individuals’ professions, this is not possible, and something else needs to be done to eliminate problems. Medications or steroid injections can help for a certain time. On the other hand, chiropractic care has some aces up the sleeve for achieving long-term pain relief.

Chiropractic adjustments applied by a skilled chiropractor is guaranteed to reduce joint and spinal misalignments, as well as reduce the inflammation and swelling of the areas affected by repetitive stress disorder. Another positive outcome of a well-chosen and performed chiropractic adjustment is increased joint mobility and improved nervous system function, benefiting the underlying condition.

If you experience chronic pain in a particular area of your body, an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Pruski from the Joint & Spine Center can help you alleviate it. Book an appointment through the website or by calling 936-295-1777.

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