What Can Chiropractic Care Do for Scoliosis?

What Can Chiropractic Care Do for Scoliosis?

As you probably know, scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that usually appears during childhood age. The cause is mostly unknown, and the condition needs to be closely monitored to prevent it from worsening. In severe cases, a patient will need to wear a scoliosis brace to keep the spine in place.  When other forms of treatment are concerned, chiropractic care is widely accepted and used to improve the condition of scoliosis patients.

The chiropractic care for scoliosis needs to be an on-going process to improve the condition and prevent it from becoming severe. It consists of several phases.

The initial phase is repositioning the joints in the spinal area. It is followed by a massage of the muscles surrounding the spine directly affected by scoliosis. The massage reduces pain and spasms, allowing the muscles to regain their normal function. The next phase is the stretching of areas that have become stiff and tight. The third phase consists of exercises aimed at strengthening weaker muscles. All the stages combined bring long-lasting positive results in scoliosis treatment.

To find out more about what the procedure looks like, book an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Pruski at Joint & Spine Center. Get in contact via an online form or by calling 936-295-1777.

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