Is Walking Good for the Bursitis Treatment?

Is Walking Good for the Bursitis Treatment?

We all know that walking is good for our health. In fact, you probably have a fitness watch or a step counter app on your phone that measures how many steps you take each day. 

However, certain disorders like bursitis can make walking painful. That’s why people with this condition often wonder whether it’s a good idea for them to walk and participate in other activities. Read on to find out.

What Is Bursitis?

Bursitis is a condition where your bursae become inflamed, causing pain. Bursae are fluid-filled sacs located in your joints, and their job is to reduce friction and cushion the bones so that they don’t rub and damage each other. 

Bursitis usually affects the hips, as these joints are responsible for many movements and bearing weight through our activities. As a result, you may feel pain, limited range of motion, and decreased strength in your pelvic area. In the beginning, your hip may feel a little stiff and achy, while in later stages, you may develop swelling or redness.

Pain typically becomes more intense during certain activities such as running or sitting for a prolonged period.

What Causes Bursitis?

Bursitis can be caused by wear and tear when repetitive motions cause the inflammation of the bursae. That is common in runners and other athletes. 

Hip bursitis can develop due to a car accident or an injury. Some conditions such as diabetes, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis can also contribute to the onset of bursitis.

Being overweight and obese are risk factors for bursitis, as excessive weight increases the pressure on the hips and other joints.

What Does a Typical Bursitis Treatment Look Like?

Physical therapy is a go-to option for treating bursitis. Your therapist will conduct an initial assessment, and they will ask many questions about how your hip pain originates and what triggers it. After performing a physical exam and evaluating your condition, they’ll discuss the treatment plan with you.

The goal is to reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and increase the range of motion. By strengthening the muscles in the hip area, the pressure is removed from your joints and bursae, which can significantly improve your condition and restore normal mobility.

Your treatment may include:

  • Heat and ice therapy
  • Stretching
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Massage therapy
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Ultrasound therapy

Is Walking Good for Bursitis?

Exercise is often prescribed to improve joint pain, so walking could be a vital part of managing your bursitis symptoms. However, you need to be careful and talk to your doctor before walking longer distances. After all, they know about your condition and can give you the best advice about walking and exercising with bursitis.

The main thing is to take it slow and listen to your body. If the pain gets too intense when you walk, stop. Choose supportive shoes and a soft and stable walking surface to minimize the chances of further injuries.

Who Can Help Me With Bursitis?

Dr. Jeffrey Pruski and his team at Joint and Spine Center in Huntsville, Texas, are ready to help you manage bursitis symptoms and get rid of that persistent pain. They use chiropractic adjustments and the stimulation of natural healing processes to reduce inflammation and eliminate other symptoms. Click here to book an appointment.

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