Common methods and others used in the treatment of neck pain

Common methods and others used in the treatment of neck pain

Simple home maneuvers can sometimes be enough to treat a cervical disc issue, a common cause of neck pain. Some other times, only a certified therapist such as a chiropractor can solve those problems using some professional methods, while also explaining how to avoid the pain from returning.

In the major part of cases, certain exercises and manipulations applied by these specialists can help diminish and resolve the symptoms.

In the first visit, the health professional will perform a complete evaluation, for then addressing directly the problem, in this case, the neck pain. The examination includes studying the range of motion, joint function, limitations, dysfunctions, reflexes, and strength, asking the characteristics of the pain, if there is pain radiation, or other symptoms like numbness or tingling in the region, among other characteristics.

Once the examination is complete, many are the maneuvers the chiropractor can apply to relieve the symptoms, strengthen the neck region, and restore its function with a normal range of motion. Methods using hot or cold, deep tissue massage, electrical stimulation, among other techniques can be used to achieve this.

The stretching and reinforcement of the muscles of the neck is a necessary thing to achieve, and the specialist can base the whole session surrounding these techniques. Also, the patients are taught to improve their posture by doing certain movements like standing in front of a mirror to see the mistakes made and learn how to correct them.

Chiropractors can recur to adjustments, which, when made gently, can restore normal neck function and reduce pain. These specialists manipulate the neck and thoracic joints in some specific ways to improve pain by diminishing stiffness and increase mobility and range of motion.

Of course, before performing them, the health professional needs to determine if these methods can be used with the patient or if there are some risk factors involved.

Cervical traction is another very popular technique used by chiropractors for improving neck pain. While gentle traction is made, the spaces between the cervical vertebrae open, temporarily alleviating pressure on the damaged discs.

This technique can be done in a continuous or intermittent way, with resting periods in between. Cervical traction can be also done at home through pulley systems or certain devices that will allow the patients to perform it while lying down. Of course, the specialist will have to show the right equipment to buy and how to use it correctly.

Cervical or neck pillows are used to partially immobilize the neck while going through normal daily life. However, there are not enough studies and researches that support its use and effectiveness to reduce neck pain.

With this in mind, schedule your appointment at and you will receive the proper attention your case requires with a Neck Pain Doctor in Huntsville, Texas.

For more information about neck pain and how to treat it, contact us at 936-295-1777. Our team of experts based in the beautiful community of Huntsville, TX, will be available during working hours to answer all your inquiries and support you in your path to wellness.

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