How Can a Chiropractor Help with Sciatica?

Sciatica pain typically originates from the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body, running from the lower back down through the buttocks and legs. It is formed by several nerve roots that emerge from the spinal cord in the lower back. Today we will explain what the causes for sciatica pain are, and how a chiropractor in Huntsville, Texas, can help alleviate the pain.

What Are the Main Causes of Sciatica Pain?

There are several potential causes of sciatica pain:

  • Herniated Disc: When a disc in the spine protrudes or ruptures, it can press against the sciatic nerve roots, leading to pain and other symptoms.
  • Spinal Stenosis: This refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal, which can put pressure on the nerve roots. In the case of sciatica, spinal stenosis in the lower back can compress the sciatic nerve.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: Over time, the discs between the vertebrae can degenerate, leading to disc height loss and potential nerve compression.
  • Piriformis Syndrome: The piriformis muscle, located deep in the buttock region, can sometimes become tight or spasmed, causing it to press against the sciatic nerve and result in pain.
  • Spinal Tumors or Infections: Although rare, tumors or infections in the spine can compress the sciatic nerve and cause pain.
  • Trauma or Injury: Any injury to the lower back or buttocks region, such as a fall or car accident, can lead to sciatica if it damages the nerve or surrounding structures.

How a Chiropractor in Huntsville, Texas Can Help You Alleviate Your Sciatica

Chiropractors can offer several treatments to help alleviate sciatica pain. The specific approach may vary depending on the chiropractor’s techniques and the individual needs of the patient. Here are some common methods chiropractors may use:

Spinal Adjustments

Chiropractors are known for performing spinal adjustments or manipulations. These manual techniques aim to realign the spine, reduce nerve irritation, and improve overall spinal function. For sciatica, chiropractors may target the lower back or pelvis to alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve.


This technique involves the application of gentle movements and stretches to the affected joints and muscles. It helps improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and enhance joint function, potentially alleviating sciatica symptoms.

Decompression Therapy

Chiropractors may use spinal decompression therapy to relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve. This technique involves the use of a traction table or specialized device to gently stretch the spine, creating space between the vertebrae and reducing compression on the nerves.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Chiropractors may employ various soft tissue therapies, such as massage, trigger point therapy, or myofascial release, to address muscle imbalances, reduce tension, and improve blood flow in the affected area.

Rehabilitation Exercises

Chiropractors often prescribe specific exercises to strengthen the supporting muscles, improve posture, and promote flexibility. These exercises can help relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and prevent future episodes of pain.

Chiropractic Adjustments for Sciatica in Huntsville, Texas

Chiropractic adjustments can provide relief from sciatica pain by realigning your spine and taking the pressure off your sciatic nerve. The main aim of chiropractic treatment is helping the body heal itself from within. Chiropractic adjustments improve flexibility and range of motion, thereby improving your quality of life.

Schedule an appointment with Pruski Joint & Spine today and start living a pain-free life! Our team of experts will assess your case and provide you with the best care in Huntsville, Texas.

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