Spinal Adjustment for Low Back Pain in Huntsville, Texas

Low back pain affects mainly people between the ages of 30 to 50, resulting in a disruption of everyday activities. While home remedies or treatments can be helpful in acute low back pain, it is important to seek professional help when dealing with chronic pain. Due to the fact that low back pain isn’t a condition, and rather a symptom, it’s important to address whether we’re in the presence of an underlying condition.

In this article, we will explain all about low back pain: its symptoms, common causes and how to eliminate your pain. A chiropractic appointment for a spinal adjustment in Huntsville, Texas, can be exactly what you need to feel like yourself again.

Low Back Pain: Main Symptoms

Low back pain has a variety of symptoms, which can start appearing gradually, or come suddenly. In many cases, sudden symptoms may appear after a specific activity, such as lifting heavy loads or bending over to pick something up, although it can also happen without a known cause. 

From just muscle aching to a shooting, burning or stabbing sensation, low back pain can prevent you from carrying out your daily tasks, and affect your overall well being. In addition to this, lower back pain can also radiate down a leg, a condition known as sciatica. Let’s go over what the main symptoms of low back pain look like:


Moving or straightening your back might be difficult or produce pain. A decreased range of motion may appear, sometimes with pain. When experiencing stiffness, individuals usually feel a compulsive need to stretch or walk to manage their pain.

Posture Problems

Although posture problems are a known cause for back pain, they can also be a symptom. Because of the above mentioned stiffness, sitting or standing in a healthy way can be difficult, alongside a feeling of being bent or crooked.

Muscle Spasms

Occurring specially after sprains or strains, muscle spasms can cause severe to extreme pain. As a result, it may be difficult to stand, walk, or move. Because muscle spasms are uncontrollable, completing easy tasks becomes impossible and relief must be sought immediately.

What Causes Low Back Pain?

Now that we have understood how to identify the symptoms of low back pain, it’s important to go over the main causes. As we have mentioned before, in most cases, low back pain is actually an indicator of an underlying condition. For this reason, learning about what can cause this type of pain is important so as to sek the type of help that your case requires.

  • Muscle strains or sprains: By lifting objects that are too heavy or not lifting safely, you can injure your muscles, tendons or ligaments, producing back pain.
  • Damage to the disks: When disks bulge from their position, they can press on your nerves, or tear. This can produce back pain in the affected area.
  • Kidney stones: When kidney stones block the urine flow and thus produce that the kidney swells, severe pain can appear on your lower back and side, below the ribs.
  • Pregnancy: Because the ligaments in your body naturally become softer and stretch to prepare you for labor, back pain is common.
  • Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis, causes lower back pain because of the breakdown of the cartilage between the joints.
  • Spinal stenosis: Spinal stenosis can occur in the lower back, producing pain or cramping in one or both legs as well.
  • Osteoporosis: As a result of the bone changes, osteoporosis can cause severe back pain that gets worse when you are standing or walking.
  • Sciatica: When irritation, inflammation, pinching or compression affects one or more nerves that run down your lower back, sciatica appears, with its characteristic lower back pain that irradiates to your leg as well.

What is Spinal Adjustment?

One effective way to deal with lower back pain is by scheduling an appointment for a spinal adjustment done by a chiropractor. More than 20 million individuals across the country visit their chiropractors annually for a spinal adjustment.

During a spinal adjustment, your chiropractor applies sudden and controlled force to the spinal joints. This is done with their hands or an instrument, to improve the motion in your spine and thus your body physical functions and overall well being. 

In many cases, lock back pain can be produced by a misalignment of the spine, which is present in different underlying causes or conditions. While dealing with these conditions is crucial for your overall health, relieving and eliminating your pain can make you feel more like yourself again. For this reason, visiting a chiropractor can enhance your quality of life. By making adjustments to the spine so as to improve the alignment and movement of the joints, your pain can be alleviated. 

Visit your trusted chiropractor in Huntsville, Texas, today! Dr. Pruski’s Joint & Spine Center can provide the pain relief that you need. Schedule your appointment here.

Spinal Adjustment in Huntsville, Texas

At Dr. Pruski’s Joint and Spine Center, we have over 30 years of extensive experience in chiropractic care and regenerative medicine. By scheduling an appointment with us, you received guaranteed exceptional care. Our team of professionals focus on each patient, delivering personalized attention that diagnoses conditions, alleviates symptoms and relieves and eliminates your pain.

Receive the best spinal adjustment in Huntsville, Texas, by the 2023 recognized Sam Houston 79! Schedule your appointment today and leave your low back pain in the past!

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